In the Mirror

In the Mirror

Like aromatherapy; starts in one location and disperses all over. Warm. Tickles almost. You can feel the butterflies. You lose your breath. Your pulse races. And that’s just at the thought of her arms around you. That’s a good feeling! Make no mistake: you can’t write about something you have not experienced. Especially something so deep inside that it rocks you to your core. If you don’t know that feeling, you don’t know the smile you can’t wipe from your face just thinking about it. A simple embrace-a hug- is a wave of emotions in your body. Just placing your hand in the small of her back is too much to handle. And nevermind if she even thinks about nuzzling her face into your neck. The hairs on the back of your neck stand up in a good way. It’s just all good.

Walk the line. Fine line. Between me and you. Blur my vision?


Soulmates. Destiny. Fated love, meant to be? If her smile makes you melt, her touch set you afire, just what will her taste do for you? All thoughts in one second? Who wouldn’t want this feeling? Butterflies. Anxiety. Panic. When you can’t understand it- the rush of emotions so deep you want to cry but you’re not sad, just overjoyed. And you haven’t even kissed those lips, cusped those no-nos, and how when it’s not allowed? Can’t be with her for even a minute, but that minute is all you want. The hairs on the back of your neck stand up in a good way. It’s just all good.

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